If it ever feels like teaching is just too much work, this course will help you develop a more fluid and automatic way to respond to students and deliver great teaching experiences every time. This course will help you develop a master teacher mindset. Find out where you are on your journey to becoming a…
Read MoreThis course reveals how many of the assessment policies teachers adopt can actually prove detrimental to student motivation and achievement and shows how we can tailor policies to address what really matters: student understanding of content.
Read MoreThis course takes a look at how poverty hurts children, families, and communities across the country and how schools and educators can improve the academic achievement and life readiness of economically disadvantaged students. In this course you will explore what poverty is and how it affects students in your classroom and school- what drives change…
Read MoreThis mathematics course is for all mathematics teachers regardless of grade level. It will present a wealth of ideas designed to guide mathematics teachers and provide interesting alternatives to familiar methods of instruction. Participants will discover models of effective approaches to the teaching of mathematics and illuminate mathematics to their students.
Read MoreBy helping teachers bring effective modeling practices into their classrooms, this course enables students to become better writers. The practices in this course will help students develop the writing skills they need to become adult writers in the real world. If students are to grow as writers, they need to read good writing, study good…
Read MoreIn this course you will focus on smart kids who get poor grades-not because they’re unable to do better in school, but because they don’t want to. In this course you will examine underachievement from a unique perspective. The reason students underachieve is influenced by a wide range of factors. Helping students achieve when they…
Read MoreIn this course you will reclaim and sustain your energy for teaching. Are you overwhelmed by unruly students, difficult parents, and never-ending classroom distractions? Do you wonder if anyone notices or cares about how much effort you put into your work everyday? If you answered yes to any of the above, this course is for…
Read MoreIn this course you will be provided with strategies for working with half of the students in the U.S. who are experiencing or have experienced trauma, violence, or chronic stress. In the course, you will work from a strength-based perspective that draws from the personal, cultural, and world experiences that students and families bring with…
Read MoreThis is a unique and necessary course for all educators who would like a comprehensive and valuable resource in identifying and responding to the mental health needs of the students in our classrooms and schools. This course will provide educators with the descriptions of mental health conditions so that educators may be successful in ensuring…
Read MoreThis course is for all educators K-5. Students will learn the instructional approach of close reading skills. This means the kinds of questions to ask, the process, the support to provide, the assessment strategies, unlocking meaning, and developing the thinking, speaking, and writing skills necessary to be successful.
Read MoreThis course is for all educators 6-12. Students will learn the instructional approach of close reading skills. This means the kinds of questions to ask, the process, the support to provide, the assessment strategies, unlocking meaning, and developing the thinking, speaking, and writing skills necessary to be successful.
Read MoreThis course will help all educators recognize that reading should change students. Reading should lead to thinking that is disrupting, that shakes students up, and makes them wonder what challenges them. Such thinking sets them on a path to change, if not the world, then at least themselves.
Read MoreThis course will equip educators with practical strategies to tackle bullying head-on. Social media bullying, and the recent tragedies stemming from it, has given this widespread problem a new dimension. Adults can learn and implement many quick and easy techniques that can make a difference in the lives of students – from establishing meaningful connections…
Read MoreDespite the prevalence of students with disabilities in the general education classroom, few teachers receive the training on how to meet these student’s needs or how to navigate the legally mandated processes enumerated in the Individuals With Disabilities Act. What are their responsibilities? What is their role? What must they do to ensure that students…
Read MoreJust as teaching the students who challenge us most is among our most frustrating experiences as educators, sticking with students until they finally “get it’ is among our most rewarding. In this course you will find the inspiration and field-tested ideas necessary to create a patient and supportive environment for even the most demanding cases…
Read MoreCourse Description: Is your school prepared to deal with a crisis? Does your school have an up to date plan to deal with hazards of all types? Do staff members know how to protect their students and themselves? In this course educators will receive information and a guide to prepare them for the specific skills…
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